This study investigated cheating behaviours, contributing factors, and strategies to enhance the integrity of assessment in an online learning context. The researchers conducted an analysis of the literature on students’ motivation to cheat in online modules and noted that there is limited research on the specific reasons why students cheat in online learning contexts. To contribute to this knowledge gap, this study set out to understand cheating in two English modules with first-year second language students, in an open distance and e-learning institution in South Africa. The purpose of this study is (1) to investigate why students cheat in their online assessments, (2) to explore the contributing factors of cheating behaviours, and (3) to determine strategies to minimise cheating. Using qualitative methods such as focus group discussions with students, evaluation questions with markers, and one-on-one interviews with lecturers, the study found that cheating is a significant issue in distance education, with students admitting to various forms of cheating in online assessments. Using the social cognitive theory of moral disengagement, the study found that cognitive mechanisms motivate students to engage in unethical behaviour such as cheating. The study recommends implementing an interactive module design, lecturer training on student support, and stringent academic integrity policies to minimise cheating. There is a need for studies that explore the impact of cheating and the effectiveness of different strategies for minimising cheating and enhancing integrity in online assessment.