Ixtli 1 (2):155-174 (
The purpose of the paper is to present a first approach to the philosophical-educational thought in Latin America, as it has been expressed today. Along this balance, necessarily preliminary, of this field´s production, it seeks to raise a discussion on theorethical or paractical challenges that arise for the Philosophy of Education, in the socio-historical-cultural context of the continent. Hightlights therefore the debate on the nature of this reflection considering the conceptual requirement for the consolidation of the rigorous research field on the educational reality, putting forth the question of the identity of this knowledge´s field and its inclusion, not only on cultural universe in general but also on its own educacional practice, taking into account also its demand as a major component, both in teaching and that of cultural formation. Pleads a systematic research program that can account for the presence of education theme in Latin American philosophical discourse as well as the presence of philosophical reflection in education specific discourse. In highlighting the presence of a philosophy of educacion in the production of both philosophers and theorists of education, it seeks to present the efforts already being made and challenges faced by Latin American thinkers in the educational field in order to prepare theorethical tools able to give sense to educational practice, from its own building in act, i.e, as an active presence in a given society at a given historical time.