‘‘Quid est ergo tempus? si nemo ex me quaerat, scio; si quaerenti explicare velim,
nescio’’. Augustine’s statement made 1,600 years ago still rings true. Paul Ricoeur
goes so far as to assert that it is impossible to grasp time conceptually (Ricoeur
1984: 11 ff.). Nevertheless, or perhaps due to these aporias, time remains one of the
most significant and intriguing themes for human imagination and philosophy.
Nearly a century ago Edmund Husserl raised the hopes for a comprehensive
philosophy of time with his Phenomenology of the Consciousness of Internal Time,
published much later in 1928 by Martin Heidegger (but put together in most part by
Edith Stein). Husserl’s subsequent steps on the stairway to a philosophy of time
remained unpublished until the recent volumes Husserl (2001, 2006). These
publications have awakened new interest in Husserl’s philosophy of time, and two
recent monographs reconstruct and interpret it with a focus on subjectivity.