Notions of the Concept of ‘Ways of Thinking’: From Hacking to Daston and Galison
New York: Palgrave McMillan (
In this chapter I shall present two different notions of the concept of ‘ways of thinking’ named ‘style of reasoning’ and ‘epistemic virtue’, which have been proposed, respectively, by Ian Hacking and by Peter Galison and Lorraine Daston. To explain how the former characterizes the notion of style of reasoning, I shall reread his book The Emergence of Probability in terms of the notion of ‘statistical style of reasoning’ and Shapin and Schaffer’s Leviathan and the Air Pump in terms of the notion of ‘laboratory style of reasoning’. My analysis will show that many points of Hacking’s styles project need to be developed in order to make his suggestions into a full-fledged theory. A salient point of my analysis will be that Hacking’s is another of the projects of historical epistemology that historicize Kant. I shall also show that there are substantial convergences between the styles project and Daston and Galison’s study on objectivity. Finally, following Williams’s account of truth and truthfulness, I shall argue that styles of reasoning are ways of telling the truth and ways of looking at the world.