This is a phrase that alludes to a new landscape created at Hamburg’s port through an action entitled Park Fiction. It is an action not that much more extraordinary than the action of skaters who set out one day to go skating, freely. Anywhere. Art is not about simply making the world look at itself from a different point of view, but to make it be used in a different way. In Hamburg an ongoing action of animation, exhibition, agit-prop, fuelled by humour, has ended up convinvcing the local council that the inhabitants have a real need for a garden by the port, and that they are bound to realise this according to the plans they have put forward. Though not entirely, because the council does not understand why it is necessary to make an archive of this action, that is open to the public. In fact, the council denies the artistic dimension of the project, and retains only that which is functional. But Park Fiction is being now sought-after by investors, whose advances they have so far eluded through the development of international activities