The relevance of exchange effects for the stability of superheavy nuclei is examined within a linear QHD-II model by comparing Hartree-Fock with meanfield results. To allow a scan of the complete superheavy regime the recently developed local density approximation (LDA) for the exchange potential is employed for the Hartree-Fock level calculations. It turns out that, while many nuclear properties obtained with the LDA approach differ significantly from the corresponding mean-field results, the predictions of the two methods for shell closures are very similar. Furthermore, a comparison with a nonlinear variant of QHD-II shows that many nuclear properties obtained with the LDA in the framework of linear QHD-II are somewhere in-between the corresponding linear and nonlinear mean-field results. This indicates that the LDA exchange partially includes nonlinear contributions, which supports the interpretation of the meson self-coupling as a parametrization of many-body effects