Within this study, the necessity of a causative-holistic approach to health, viewed through philosophical and spiritual contexts, is substantiated. The author focuses on the structural analysis of the health model, based on the conducted research on the understanding of the phenomenon of health by ancient philosophers, medieval thinkers, and contemporary scientists. The article acknowledges the importance of spirituality in health and defines it as a causal factor that sets parameters for the development of physical health. The research offers a detailed description of the structure of holistic health, which includes unity, duality, and trinity, forming the foundation on the tripartite model “spirit-soul-body,” which has shaped the understanding of holistic health since medieval times and remains unchanged. Based on the metaphysical system proposed by the German mystic Jacob Böhme, the author substantiates the septenary structure of the spirit, reflecting in the septenary manifestation of the human being, and should have its analogy in the physical body and social dimension of the human being. A decenary model of health is also proven, appearing in the connection of the septenary «earthly human» with the triple metasystem complex, reflecting the spiritual aspect of holistic human. This decenary model forms a new causative-holistic view on human health and can be the basis for changing the medical paradigm, which should be based on primary spiritual factors of health for the preservation and improvement of both physical health and the health of the metasystem complex human-collective-society-planet.