Many philosophical doctrines have been suggested as the target Eubulides intended his Heap and Bald Man to destroy: the coherence of empirical concepts, the law of noncontradiction, the Law of Excluded Middle, pluralism, Aristotle's theory of infinity or of the mean. Aristotle betrays no clear awareness of sorites reasoning in any of his extant works. Sorites puzzles became a standard weapon of Skeptics in their attacks on Stoic philosophy. The Stoics distinguished between sentences and the propositions they are used to assert. The Stoics were prepared to apply bivalence to sorites reasoning and swallow the consequences: any difficulty in answering the sorites questions must come from our ignorance of the right answers, not their non‐existence. More recently, sorites puzzles have been discussed in the form of apparently sound arguments with apparently false conclusions, and philosophers such as Michael Dummett and Crispin Wright have advanced grounds for the premises.