one hand, it raises fundamental doubts about the Davidsonian project, which seems to involve
isolating specifically semantic knowledge from any other knowledge or skill in a way reflected by
the ideal of homophony. Indexicality forces a departure from this ideal, and so from the aspiration
of deriving the truth conditions of an arbitrary utterance on the basis simply of axioms which could
hope to represent purely semantic knowledge. In defence of Davidson, I argue that once his
original idea for dealing with the familiar indexical expressions is suitably implemented, in terms
of theorems expressing conditional truth-conditions, the contrast between semantic and nonsemantic
knowledge occurs in an appropriate place: between knowledge of the conditional truth
conditions themselves (semantic), and knowledge of their antecedents (non-semantic). For example,
a simplified version of a conditional truth condition for an utterance u of “That is a cat” will
say that for all x, if the utterer in uttering “that” in u thereby referred to x, u is true iff x is a cat. The
conditional fact belongs to semantic knowledge; non-semantic knowledge is required to work out
what the utterer referred to; the two kinds of knowledge conspire to enable a truth condition to be
The other kind of worry relates to difficult technical questions, relating to specific idioms, raised by
context-dependence. I consider whether an argument by Travis (2006), designed to establish that
there can be no correct truth conditional semantics, can be turned on its head, and used to establish
a general method for bringing all forms of context-dependence within Davidsonʼs framework
(using quantification into the qualifier “on understanding U”). I argue that this will not work, and
that we are committed to a piecemeal examination of various cases, of which I give some examples.
One of these relates directly to Travisʼs argument concerning the context-dependence of
“grunt”. In addition, Davidsonians need to have a sharp eye for the distinction between pragmatic
and semantic content, to be specified by a test akin to Griceʼs notion of cancelability; they should
treat sentences like “Itʼs raining” by the conditional truth-condition method; and they should treat
possessives as semantically very unspecific. It is part of the thesis of the paper that this list of examples by no means exhausts the cases a Davidsonian needs to address