Ryan Nichols - Thomas Reid on Logic, Rhetoric and the Fine Arts: Papers on the Culture of the Mind - Journal of the History of Philosophy 45:1 Journal of the History of Philosophy 45.1 165-166 Muse Search Journals This Journal Contents Reviewed by Ryan Nichols California State University, Fullerton Alexander Broadie, editor. Thomas Reid on Logic, Rhetoric and the Fine Arts: Papers on the Culture of the Mind. The Edinburgh Edition of Thomas Reid, Vol. 5. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2005. Pp. xlix + 350. Cloth, $85.00. Following an enlightening introduction by Alexander Broadie, this volume collects Reid's manuscripts into three parts of about 100 pages each: the first about the culture of the mind, the second about Aristotle's logic, and the third about eloquence and the fine arts. The first part..