Dialogo 2 (1):35-41 (
Harry Tavitian, like any other creator, is in a continuous motion, quest and development, with free mind and spirit. Harry Tavitian was born in Constanta, in 1952, in an Armenian family, who is always in his heart, as he says. The study of the piano was so useful, that, in his late teens, he is already exploring the blues. Before graduating the Ciprian Porumbescu Conservatory in Bucharest in 1978, the artist founded, with a deliberate enthusiasm, a band called Creative, which would always express itself recreatively, in the spirit of a permanent renewal. His concerts, initially thought with an exigence that shows through the creation, are not repeatable, cannot be quantified with a measure of a weight or linearity, but with one of depth and veracity of the message, of liberty, joy and simplicity. The piano, the one that helps him and us to grow through music is the instrument which comes to support the improvisation and the variations. Thus springs the original esthetics called ethno-jazz, a genre nurtured from the fertile soil of the Romanian folklore, thus building and promoting a valuable South-Eastern European school of jazz. In his language both the avant-garde jazz and the traditional blues are amplified and also supplemented with Romanian and Armenian flavors. The cavalcade of improvisation is defining, Harry Tavitian being spontaneous in the original harmonic lacing in which he always wraps his creations and performances. The aftermath is always the same, an audience that hardly recovers from the dreamy ambience of every concert.