The article analyzes forms of citizen participation in public decision-making as alternative to traditional institutions of citizen participation. The author shows that the main disadvantage of traditional forms of citizen participation is the absence of mechanisms that ensure an independent and competent public discussion of the most important public problems. Therefore, in his opinion, these institutions to a greater extent provide a policy of interests that expresses the aspirations of elite groups, but not the civil society. The author turns to the theory of deliberative democracy and associated concept of an aleatory democracy. He analyzes the potential forms of citizen participation in the implementation of public power based on the institution of draft. The article shows that the modeling of these forms is closely connected with the evolution of juries and, in particular, with the establishment of cross-sectional ideal in order to form their panel in the United States in late 1960s. The newest forms of aleatory democracy are considered. The author analyzes advantages and disadvantages of these forms, and experience of their practical implementation. He concludes that the forms of aleatory democracy to a large extent ensure rational communication between civil society and the state, as well as local self-government authorities. The development of these forms in the future can help to overcome crisis of contemporary liberal democracy.