[author unknown]
Theoria 67 (2):140-186 (
Book reviewed in this article: Beyond belief? A critical study of Graham Priest's Beyond the Limits of Thought by FREDERICK KROON University of Auckland D.M. GABBAY AND H. WANSING (eds.), What is Negation? Dordrecht, 1999, Kluwer Academic Publishers, by DAN EGONSSON DAN EGONSSON, Dinlensions of Dignity. The Morul Importance of Being Human Kluwer Academic Publishers 1998 ISBN 0–7923‐5068‐5 by BIRGITTA FORSMAN KRISTER BYKVIST, Changing Preferences:4 Study in Prgferentialism Uppsala: Reprocentralen HSC, 1998. by MICHAEL J. ZIMMERMAN CRISP, ROGER: Routledge Philosophy GuideBook to Mill on Utilitarianism, London, Routledge, 1997 RILEY, JONATHAN: Routledge Philosophy GuideBook to Mill on Liberw, London, Routledge, by FOLKE TERSMAN BRIAN OREND: War and International Justice ‐A Kantian Perspective Wilfrid Laurier University Press 2000 by MARTIN PETERSON.