Claude Buffier’s Traité des premières vérités (1724) was published twice in the 19th century. The first was a Catholic edition (1822) emphasising the continuity between the Jesuit philosophy of common sense and Félicité de Lamennais’ principle of authority. Conversely, the other edition, of the Cousinian school (1843), stressed the debt of the Scottish school of Common Sense to Buffier’s work. Both editions sought to dissociate Buffier from the philosophy to which he perhaps felt the closest, but which in many ways prefigured all the excesses (sensualism, materialism, atheism) of the 18th century against which Catholics and Cousinians fought: that of Locke. Because of their shortcomings, these two editions do not tell us much about the Traité des premières vérités, but they do tell us a lot about the ideological struggles of the 19th century.