This chapter provides an overview of Bernard Bolzano’s views about grounding. On Bolzano’s account, grounding is an objective priority relation among true propositions that has certain explanatory features. The chapter briefly highlights historical influences on Bolzano’s account of grounding and subsequently provides an overview of the most important aspects of it. Bolzano’s account resembles current accounts of metaphysical grounding in many respects and can thus easily be related to many positions in the current debate. The chapter investigates some Bolzanian ideas about grounding that differ from the current orthodoxy but may constitute interesting additions, challenges or inspirations for those working in the current debate. It is striking that Bolzano accepts a number of principles that seem to be motivated by the same kind of intuition that underlies present work on the logic of ground. Bolzano’s thought is that, for instance, general mathematical truths will never be grounded in truths concerned with any individual concrete object in particular.