Intensional Choice Functions for Which Phrases
There are two main approaches to the scopal properties of the N’-restrictors of which-phrases. One line attributes widest scope within the interrogative clause to the entire which-phrase, outside the question formation operator, often assumed to reside in C0. The result is Karttunen ’s question denotation --exemplified in --,1 whose distinctive feature is that the semantic contribution of the N’- restrictor of the which-phrase is represented outside the so-called question nucleus, i.e., outside the subformula “p=…”. The second main avenue interprets the N’-restrictor of which-phrases somewhere inside the question nucleus, that is, under the scope of the question formation operator and possibly under other, further embedded operators. The outcome is Hamblin’s --or unselective binding—question meaning, as in. This paper will be concerned with this second line, which I will refer to as the base position line