El desafío de la cosa en sí en Arthur Schopenhauer
If, for Schopenhaur, the statement “the world is my representation” condenses the Kantian idealism, the expression “the world is my will” condenses, in some sense, his metaphysics of Nature. The accent of his investigation, which is found moreover in the question about the signification of the being than of the being as such, locates us necessarily out of the knowledge sphere as has been determined by the transcendental Kantian philosophy. The Schopenhaurian investigation’s path is a road traced from the interior of the phenomenon, in particularly that which is given to us in an entirely different way than the others, e.g., our own body. Only parting from the body, in its immediate identity with the will, the hermeneutics of the subject and of the world that takes the human being not anymore as a transcendental subject but as an incarnated being, a being in the world, will be possible. The presented work is located under the horizon of that reflection.