Has anything of value been contributed to aesthetic issues from a Marxist point of view? I suspect that most intelligent people asked this question might be inclined to answer no. If they hesitated, it might be because of some dim awareness that there has been a great deal of concern about aesthetic issues by European intellectuals influenced by Marxism. But this present bibliography which is limited to books and articles in English shows how extensive and diverse the literature has been. Many items are included here which are not primarily concerned with aesthetic issues, but which are nevertheless relevant. And there are many items which are not Marxist in orientation but bear on Marxism. The annotations are helpful and the bibliography will be a great aid to anyone interested in exploring this dimension of Marxism. It is unfortunate that the bibliography is limited to work written or translated into English, for many of the best works have not been translated. However, the compiler promises a supplemental volume dealing with foreign material.--R. J. B.