In [7], open questions are raised regarding the computational strengths of so-called ∞-α -Turing machines, a family of models of computation resembling the infinite-time Turing machine model of [2], except with α -length tape . Let TαTα denote the machine model of tape length α . Define that TαTα is computationally stronger than TβTβ precisely when TαTα can compute all TβTβ-computable functions ƒ: min2→min2 plus more. The following results are found: Tω1≻TωTω1≻Tω. There are countable ordinals α such that Tα≻TωTα≻Tω, the smallest of which is precisely γ , the supremum of ordinals clockable by TωTω. In fact, there is a hierarchy of countable TαTαs of increasing strength corresponding to the transfinite Turing-jump operator ▼. There is a countable ordinal μ such that neither Tμ⪰Tω1Tμ⪰Tω1 nor Tμ⪯Tω1Tμ⪯Tω1—that is, the models TμTμ and Tω1Tω1 are computation-strength incommensurable . A similar fact holds for any larger uncountable device replacing Tω1Tω1. Further observations are made about countable TαTα