A road to nihilism, determinism, and athiesm
A road to nihilism details my journey to the conclusion of nihilism and the justification of the philosophical tenents of the conclusion.
Argument one:
Everything that exists is made of something.
What exists is objectively itself or it would not be itself hence be something else or nothing as something is either something or nothing, and it is what it is therefore separate in all ways or none.
This proves nothing can be all powerful.
Arguement two:
What does not take up space does not exist because it would have nowhere to be.
Argument three:
What does not have substance or properties does not exist as properties are produced by what it is/ is what it is, and what has no substance, or mass is made up of nothing
Argument four:
As nothing that does not have substance and properties and does not take up space does not exist nothing but that can exist. Morality is that. Just objects, interacting, in space.
Argument five:
What has no specific shape, size, or any other property is nothing specifically anything therefore is made up of nothing since it is not anything. Anything that can interact with x something interacts in specific way because of having specific properties that effect each other during the interaction or not. If not. That is a property. If so. That is because of a property. If there is no way to get anything specific there is no property. Properties get changed in specific ways because if there is no specific way, there is no way to specifically change it. Hence. Everything is pretermined as any reaction set in motion effects something else if a specific way, in a way determined by the first interaction as all the future interactions effect each other specifically becaude of the propertied governing the type, changes specifically relative to the starting interaction.