Frege-Russell numbers: analysis or explication?
For both Gottlob Frege and Bertrand Russell, providing a philosophical
account of the concept of number was a central goal, pursued along similar
logicist lines. In the present paper, I want to focus on a particular aspect of
their accounts: their definitions, or re-constructions, of the natural numbers
as equivalence classes of equinumerous classes. In other words, I want to
examine what is often called the ‘Frege-Russell conception of the natural
numbers’ or, more briefly, the Frege-Russell numbers. My main concern will
be to determine the precise sense in which this conception was, or could be,
meant to constitute an analysis. I will be mostly concerned with Frege’s
views on the matter; but Russell will come up along the way, for illustration
and comparison, as will some recent neo-Fregean suggestions