Hubungan persepsi tenaga kerja Dengan kecelakaan kerja
The rate of Occupational injury and work-related diiseases in Indonesia is considered to be t he highest in South East Asian Region. International Labor Organization (ILO) reported the level of competitiveness regarding Occupational and safety performance in Indonesia was 98 out of 100 countries. Previous studies have reported that the major causes of occupational injury and work - related diseases primarily influences by the workers behavior. The aim of this study is to identify the relationship between perception and occupational injury and work-related diseases. A cross sectional study was conducted among 200 workers in plywood company in West Kalimantan. The independent variables were perceived of susceptibility, perceived of severity, perceived of benefit and perceived of self efficacy , whereas the dependent variable s are occupational injury and work-related diseases . Multiple linier regression was employed to examine the relationship of the variables. This study found that perceived of susceptibility, perceived of severity, perceived of benefit and perceived of self efficacy were significantly associated with occupational injury and work-related diseases (p=0,000). The strongest predictor variables to occupational injury and work-related diseases are are perceived of benefit (t=2,087 and 4,189), perceived of self efficacy (t=2,370) and perceived of susceptibility (t=1,637)