Figure/Ground Interview Series (
© Lee Braver and Figure/Ground
Dr. Braver was interviewed by Laureano Ralon. May 4th, 2011
Dr. Lee Braver is Department Chair and Associate Professor of Philosophy at Hiram College, where he teaches advanced seminars on Being and Time, Wittgenstein, Kierkegaard, Foucault, Later Heidegger, Being & Nothingness, Post-modernism, Phenomenology and Derrida. He specializes in Nineteenth and twentieth century continental philosophy, history of philosophy, the connections between analytic and continental philosophy, Wittgenstein, Heidegger and Foucault. He is the author of A Thing of This World: A History of Continental Anti-Realism (Northwestern University Press, 2007), Heidegger’s Later Writings: A Reader’s Guide (Continuum Books, 2009), Groundless Grounds: A Study of Wittgenstein and Heidegger (MIT Press, 2012).