Neopoetics is a matrix for dynamic perceptual convergences between material and immaterial systems. The deep foundational ground for Neopoetics is the Poetics of Aristotle and its relation to the ancient Greek theatre as a practical systemic ideology for the mythic Greek drama. As Aristotle’s Poetics posits six basic components for the construction of drama (plot, character, thought, diction, song and spectacle) the neopoetic system has six constituent aspects: expanded embodiment, experiential metaphor, matrix architecture, perceptual resonance, the rheomode and neopoetic mythos. Expanded embodiment describes an expansion of the corporeal body into fluid, dematerialized dimensions of experience, expression and exchange. Experiential metaphor is a sensate interface between the expanded body and the dematerialized field that contextualizes it in a neopoetic framework. It is what Roy Ascott terms an interspace: ‘found between the virtual and actual, where reality is renegotiated and the new consciousness is embodied’. The next three neopoetic aspects describe the language structures through which a new mythos is articulated. Matrix architecture is a framework for activation and alignment of the senses. It is a multisensory perceptual membrane that ignites the prism of the expanded body’s sensorium within the fluid interface of experiential metaphor. Matrix architecture articulates both a new sensorium and its interface with an integrated material/immaterial perceptual field. Perceptual resonance is the cathartic awakening of ‘the space between the senses’, evoked by the alignment of perceptual dimensions through matrix architecture. From this prismatic aperture emerges the mythic, transformative rheomode – the experiential language of the quantum wave. The rheomode is an expression of language. The term was coined by the quantum physicist David Bohm as an experiment in pursuit of a linguistic dimension of the wave. Yet in a neopoetic context, the rheomode becomes an evolutionary system. As Roy Ascott states,Language is not merely a device for communicating ideas about the world but rather a tool for bringing the world into existence. Art is a form of world building, of mind construction, of self-creation, whether through digital programming, genetic code, articulation of the body, imaging, simulation, or visual construction. Art is the search for new language, new metaphors, new ways of constructing reality, and for the means of redefining ourselves.Neopoetics mythos unfurls through the rheomode. It is an expression of an emerging ecology, an experiential awakening of the wave within the particle. Neopoetic myths are fluid evolutionary pulsations. They are transformation in the liquid convergences between material and immaterial dimensions. They are streams of lava birthing bedrock for an emerging paradigm.