Granì 6:105-110 (
Ethnosocial communities that are part of stratification matrix of any society is characterized by a particular set of strategies for interethnic interactions that can occur in complex ethnosocial communities among the titular ethnic group (or ethnic group predominant, dominant) and ethnic minorities. In terms of their focus, these strategies, according to B. Anderson can be divided into integration, assimilation, separation and destruction. Integration strategies suggest the relationship and interaction between equal exchange of values between etnos of preservation and development of their identities, providing at the same time and associations, sociocultural and ethnic differentiation. Integration strategies involve a certain degree of cultural identity in isolation etnos inadmissible. Assimilationstrategies is aimed at cultural unification as a result of a takeover etnos (most of which national minorities) – other / other (titular ethnic groups and communities – dominant). Separation strategies involve separate etnos coexistence (separation) while preserving their identities as ethnocultural autonomies and other forms of tolerance distance in social space. In this application separation strategies is not necessarily a prerequisite to separate ethnic community of national integrity, as it suggests maintaining its identity and identification with makrocommunity. Destructionstrategies can be aimed at the destruction of ethnic identity through its forced isolation and deprivation perspectives of development (territorial hettoyization, ethnocultural discrimination), or on the various options ethnicity physical destruction (genocide, ethnocide).