Two main currents are clearly discernible in the Islamization of Knowledge literature regarding social science scholarship and its potential for use as a possible source of knowledge in the Islamization scheme. On the one hand, we have those who would rather see the social sciences marginalized, if not completely avoided, being-to them-the defective products of manmade, secularized knowledge. On the other hand, we have those who would call for a full utilization of the social sciences in the Islamization of Knowledge effort. Although the latter do understand the shortcomings of social science theories and methodologies, and are aware of the biased ontological and epistemological assumptions upon which they are built, they would still see that there is a lot to be gained utilizing this type of scholarship. The paper describes and analyzes the-arguments normally presented by the proponents of these seemingly disparate views. The consequences of adopting any "pure" version of these positions are discussed. An attempt is made to forge a genuine middle ground among them. This is followed by a detailed analysis of the process of utilization of the social sciences, as an integral part of the Islamization of Knowledge effort.