Clarifying the Issues of Technology and Its Position in Theism
The question of technology, due to inability of a branch of knowledge to answer our contemporary important questions, is one of the interdisciplinary studies that was introduced since the second half of the 20th century to see the human world from a critical viewpoint. The issue appeared first in philosophy of technology as the issue of the relation between philosophy and technology. Martin Heidegger, the most important feature of contemporary philosophy distinguishes the philosophical deliberation on technology from others, and considers technology philosophically. There are two approaches to technology: positive and negative, i.e., technology as a key factor for achieving to a utopia or as a tool leading us dystopia. Heidegger goes to the basis and roots of this relationship and considers it from an ontological viewpoint. First of all, since what appears in the phenomenology of technology becomes apparent to us in the light of causality, and since God, according to this idea, can be reduced to a mere cause, there is no room for God as the cause of causes. Secondly, according to common sense, technology is a mere tool which its development will lead us to utopia, but unlike, it seems we are interred to dystopia. Thirdly, the rational theology is in consistent with the technology as a process from which emerges the concept of globalization.