Публічний простір міста в соціально-філософській перспективі: Методологія дослідження
Схід 6 (126):273-277 (
The article deals with the public space of the city as a "vital organs" of urban society, value systems in the development of public spaces in the city has been distinguished. It is shown that the theoretical and methodological basis of research in this context can only be a philosophy of the city when the city serves reflexive form of culture, when it is born in the culture, or rather as a cultural idea. It is proved that it is possible for a reason, which is embedded in the cultural etymon of the city: the city is an ontological idea of gathering people into a coherent whole, the idea of organizing space habitats, including both own human physicality ("the temple of the soul," the body as "the abode of the soul"), as well as actually external to the individual forms of physicality - the forms of the urban environment, particularly public, social networking space. The social development targets of the communicative space of the city, which eliminate hard dependency quality of life of citizens of their level of income has been examined. It is shown that the imperative of saving the civilizing role of the city lies in culture of a harmonious city. At the same time the philosophy should outline "horizons" of theoretical and empirical research on the development of the city