Review [Book Review]
[author unknown]
Martin Heidegger. Il ritorno dell'essere. By Arrigo Colombo. Pp.726, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1964, 6000 It. Lire.La Pensée de Heidegger. By Otto Pöggeler. Translated by Mariana Simon. Pp. 412, Paris, Aubier-Montaigne, 1967, no price given.Equilibrium. A Constructive Attack on the Atheism of ‘Oxford Philosophy’ and Certain Assumptions of Linguistic Analysis. By Richard Webster.Wittgenstein's Definition of Meaning as Use. By Garth Hallett, s.j.Love and the Person. By John Cowburn, s.j.Psychoanalysis and Religion. By Gregory Zilboorg, m.d.The Church Against Itself. By Rosemary Radford Ruether.Early Christian and Byzantine Political Philosophy. Vols. I, II. By Francis Dvornik.Aquinas and Natural Law. By D. J. O'Connor.G. B. Phelan: Selected Papers. Edited by Arthur G. Kirn, c.s.b.When the Gods are Silent. By Kornelis H. Miskotte.The Message of the Prophets. By Gerhardvon Rad. Translated by D. M. G. Stalker.La danse devant l'arche: étude du livre de Samuel. By Georges Auzou.The Gospels and the Jesus of History. By Xavier Léon-Dufour.The Prayers of Jesus. By Joachim Jeremias. Translated by John Bowden, Christoph Burchard, and John Reumann.Die Fusswaschung im Johannesevangelium. By Georg Richter.The Significance of the Message of the Resurrection for Faith in Jesus Christ. Edited, with an introduction by C. F. D. Moule.Christ for Us Today. Edited by Norman Pittenger.