The author is interested in discussing various aspects of the propositional calculus; in particular, the relationships among the various propositional connectives in various systems of logic such as Intuitionistic and modal are scrutinized. The first three chapters survey the notation to be used and describe the general notion of logistic system; the author then describes the concept of a deductive system in exceptional generality, then treats the connexions of equivalence and independence among such deductive systems in what are essentially algebraic terms. Building on the latter work, he then treats the idea of one system's being an extension of the other, going into the details concerning the fine structure of exactly what sort of extension it is—conservative, consistent, and thus arrives at Lindenbaum's lemma. The equivalence relations of congruence and equipollence among propositional systems form the central core around which Porte's discussion of axiomatizability of systems of connectives constituting various propositional calculi is based. Porte is one of the best of the several young logicians now working in France and this book is useful both as a technical treatise containing a sophisticated treatment of sentential logic, and as a guide to at least one direction and trend of contemporary French logical thought.—P. J. M.