‘‘‘god’s Death’ In Friedrich Nietzsche’s Philosophy
Contemporary philosophers seem to be under a great spell of Nietzsche’s notorious claim about ‘God’s death.’ The central aim of this essay is to analyse the meaning of this sentence in Nietzsche’s philosophy. Some examples of different interpretations of ‘God’s death’ are analysed from philosophical perspectives outlined in Nietzsche’s own works and opinions. The second part of the paper is devoted to causes of ‘God’s death.’ The author draws attention to the fact that Nietzsche usually dealt with a particular phenomenon from several points of view; a technique which has been related with his perspectivism. An analysis of this technique is meant to explain how apparent contradictions in Nietzsche’s philosophy may be reconciled. The fi nal part of the paper is devoted to the consequences of ‘God’s death.’ ‘God’s death’ has been seen by Nietzsche as a turning point which was also an opportunity for humanity to build a culture based on healthy instincts that would be able to breed a superman