Granì 2:6-10 (
Nowadays is urgent appealing to the issue of human socialization in social and cultural environment, which makes it possible to understand the origins of the processes of culture creation. Identifying the underlying mechanisms, regulatives that prevail in the culture is possible by analyzing the phenomenon of socialization, identifying the nature of the socialization process, this is defined as a goal of the study. Socialization at the level of the individual being is interpreted in the light of the dialectic of ontogeny and phylogeny. Socialization in ontogeny implies that the individual is to repeat the general historical development phases, that is to undergo through them in their own lives. Phylogenetic level focuses on knowledge of universal, generic aspects of socialization. Socialization of the human at the evel of the social being is interpreted as primary and secondary socialization. At the level of primary socialization most immediate environment of the individual is the primary agents of socialization. Secondary level of socialization takes place within larger social groups and institutions. A general mechanism of this phenomenon takes a special place when developing the internal structure of socialization, which is divided into social and psychological mechanisms and social and pedagogical mechanisms. Sociopsychological mechanisms include imprinting, reflection, imitation, identification. The assimilation of human norms, standards of behavior, attitudes, stereotypes, typical for one’s family and entourage belong to the sociopedagogical mechanisms of socialization. A specific example is shown in the socialization process of socialization in ethnic, cultural and national space. In this very space there is a special process of interaction between the individual or group with the social environment. Adaptation is an essential component of socialization. Whereas adaptation is microscopic process of mastering specific subcultural values, socialization is a macro process of assimilation general (cultural) values and traditions that characterize the society as a whole.