In the report phenomenological ideas of the dialogue between philosophy and pedagogics of today are being considered. The status-modes and types of linking between phenomenology and practice of education and up-bringing, socio-cultural and axiological problems of modern education. Its philosophical and anthropological essence, cognition and gnosiological aspects of the process of education and up-bringing are shown. Fundamental concepts of phenomenology such as “experience”, “intentionality”, “horizons of mentality”, “emotion”, “phenomenological reduction”, “intersubjectivity”, “the world of vitality” and others are interpreted from the pedagogical point of view. Category-conceptional system including “methodology of education”, “paideutics”, ”aesthesis”, “ideatics”, “locus of reflection” as well as the principles of the phenomenology of education – “unity of all living”, “individual genesis of life”, “self-individualization” and “cognition creativity” – get their formulation. Innovatory methods of teaching sociohumanities and art-aesthetical disciplines are set forth in the report.