InCelebratingthisDIUMessayHistoriographywe describeIEMNTorricelli’s lifeLille Universityand worksUdine University in their scientific context, including the ArchimedeanArchimedean heritage in Torricelli’s works. We analyse the changes of Torricelli’s works and explain the novelties of the edition we are offering. Then, we provide a picture of the most significant results obtained by Torricelli (1608–1647), particularly in mechanicsMechanicsand geometryGeometry. Furthermore, we also focus on the Torricelli’s methodology, specifying how he provedProved two of his achievements, given their novelty and mathematical meaning: (a) the volumeVolume of the “solido acutissimo”; (b) the geometryGeometryof theLogarithmic Spirallogarithmic spiralGeometric Spiral. AnContent ad hoc ad hocAd hocContentContent of the Opera geometricaOpera geometrica is proposed as well. It is based on the original chronological sequences of the contentsContent wrote by Torricelli. This is important to evaluate the birth of the scientific matters presented by Torricelli and the editorial process of the publicationPublication.