Filozofia neokreacjonizmu amerykańskiego. O istocie doktryny inteligentnego projektu
At the beginning of the 1990's the American public debate saw the entry of a new participant: the neo-creationist party, or, as they like to call themselves Intelligent Design. Their activities are not limited to critique of these aspects of scientific culture which are dominated by Darwinian evolutionists. The IDers offer alternative concepts, contradicting both Darwinism and many varieties of theistic evolutionism. Creationists often regard the latter as an effect of capitulation of Christianity before naturalism. The ID propaganda rather tends to avoid open conflict with fundamen-talist creationism (mistakenly called creation-science ), they however imply that their proposals are more serious than flood geology or young Universe cosmology. The late are regarded by geologists and physicists as curiosa targeted at the scientifically illiterate. Neo-creationists even try to announce a coming revolution in Weltanschauung of the Western science