As has been often descried, the well-being and integration of refugees, asylum seekers and immigrants mutually influence each other. Therefore, OMEGA Health Care Center is carrying through programs which at the same time further integration on the level of individuals and help prevent or address psychological, social and medical problems. Women and minors are the main target groups of these programs. Aside form giving adolescents concrete support—e.g. in their schoolwork—most of our youth programs focus on active work toward integration. This we understand as supporting real contact between individuals of different cultures. Currently, OMEGA is conducting outreach activities in refugee shelters and schools. In afternoon activities minors have the opportunity to join a music group, to participate in a school support program and to attend computer courses. One goal of our work it to include marginalized youth in all these groups and actively support their social integration in the mainstream society. Finally, the results of an evaluation of our music group and possible interventions for group leaders are discussed.