In this paper, we give an introduction to intuitionistic logic
and a defense of it from certain formal logical critiques. Intuitionism is
the thesis that mathematical objects are mental constructions produced
by the faculty of a priori intuition of time. The truth of a mathematical
proposition, then, consists in our knowing how to construct in intuition
a corresponding state of affairs. This understanding of mathematical
truth leads to a rejection of the principle, valid in classical logic, that a
proposition is either true or false (put symbolically, a ∨ ~a). The rejection of this principle leads to a different system of formal logic. This
logic has been critiqued as being three-valued in such a way that it is
self-contradictory. That this is a misunderstanding of intuitionistic
logic can be proven formally on the basis of Heyting's axioms and rules
of inference for intuitionistic logic. A proposition that is neither true
nor false does not, on an intuitionist view, have some third truth value,
but lacks any truth value whatsoever. In the process of proving that
this is the case we will also prove several other theorems which will
give us some insight into the formal similarities and differences between
intuitionistic and classical mathematics, specifically with regard to the
validity of different proof techniques.