Дискурс 9 (4):160-175 (
Introduction. The purpose of the research is to consider the linguistic actualization of the main characteristics of the artist's visual perception in the interview discourse. The relevance of the research is due to its inclusion in the context of modern anthropo-oriented study of cognition of the world by a creative person. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that for the first time the process of perception of the world by an English-speaking artist is studied as an event within the framework of a complex linguistic and cognitive approach, which allows to analyze its specificity to the fullest extent.Methodology and sources. The methodological basis of the research was made up of the works of the linguists-cognitologists L.V. Laenko, I.Yu. Kolesov, psychologist V. A. Barabanshchikov who revealed distinctive characteristics of perceptual image and substantiated the expediency of perception as an event. The research material was interviews with English-speaking artists from the Internet versions of the newspapers devoted to the life and work of modern artists. The methods of lexico-semantic, frame, contextual and pragmalinguistic analysis were used.Results and discussion. The article reveals the peculiarities of visual perception of the world by contemporary English-speaking artists, which are reflected in the discourse of the interview. The author reveals the multidimensionality of a subject of perception, different ways of its representation on the verbal level: as an observer-actor and as a “offscreen” observer. The paper shows the specificity of visual perception of the world by the artist as a perceptual event that possesses spatial and temporal coordinates and such significant characteristics as dynamism, motivation, focus and emotionality. The denotative situation of perception is actualized in English by personal pronouns, active-action predicates, perceptual predicates, existential constructions, phase verbs, and state change predicates. The important feature of the artist's creative perception of the world is the forming of the necessity of representation in his consciousness perceptive image by means of painterly signs. As a result of such representation the given perceptive image receives the further development and becomes the basis for creating an artistic image to be embodied in an art work.Conclusion. In the interview with the artist there is a complex process of cognition of the world by the creative person, based on the perceptual event. Visual perception is represented by the artist as a directed activity, which is to learn and which requires certain efforts and motivation. As a result of the perceptual event that the artist experiences, an artistic image is formed that is actualized in the work of art.