Granì 18 (1):72-76 (
The article focuses on the actual problems of communications in an organizational management. Nowadays the questions of effectiveness increase of organization activity in the context of modern socialeconomical conditions of community development take on special urgency of researchers. Author mentions, as far as an organization the important economic cell is, appears the necessity of potential development of particular organization, due to nonmaterial factors,one of it is social communication. The author considers different approaches to define the functions of the communications in organizational structure from the point of view of its management and construction of the general mechanism of communications in the organization. In the article fundamental (classical) functions of the communication are described, such as the control, motivation, emotional expression, information transfer and specific functions. Among the last ones the author considers functions from the point of view of organizational and personnel progress. In the article the scientific vision on the procedural and normative aspects of the communications in an organizational management system are analyzed. The basic content of the research makes the analysis of theoretical concepts about process of the communication. In the article functions of the communications and cases of its practical development which raise the organization activity efficiency in general are systematized.