Copyrighted originally by George Allen and Unwin Ltd. in 1962 this paper edition makes Conze's review of Indian Buddhism available at a relatively low price. The book is divided into three parts: Archaic Buddhism which deals with facets common to all of Indian Buddhism, the Sthaviras which deals with the Hinayäna, and the Mahäyäna. Often a commentator will present a traditional view of Indian Buddhism through a translation of some Buddhist's compendium on Buddhism. This work, however, is the result of the author's own long research into Buddhism, and thus at times it reflects his own reactions to aspects of Buddhism rather than those of a more Catholic Buddhist. Specifically his remarks on tantra and logic, though representative of some Buddhist opinion at some time, do not reflect the views of more Catholic Buddhist historians and scholars. However, in his introduction the author describes the scope of his work with the full realization that he cannot fulfill the rather awesome demands which a review of the whole of Indian Buddhism asks.--P. J. H.