Roma: Inschibboleth (
This study offers a critical re-reading of Heidegger’s thought from the viewpoint of the relationship between the affective structure of the existence and two other fundamental components of the human being, which are understanding and language. The analysis of such approach to the world, which represents Heidegger’s "Befindlichkeit" – a peculiar and self-sufficient source of experience in relation to the projecting comprehension – leads us to recognize the presence of a fundamental ontological dimension of the existence, here designated as “pathic” with reference to the Greek term "paschein". This dimension identifies the most original way of access to the phenomenal horizon and represents the “foundation” – meaning the condition of possibility – of the other main dimension of the existence, the hermeneutic one, constituted by all those structures, such as understanding, interpretation and language, which contribute to the articulation of our reality in a meaningful whole