Bio-law and biotechnological hyperconsumption: towards bio-juridical resigniDication of two bioethical principles for protection of cognitive health
Several studies have reviewed the connection between cognitive pathologies and exposure to certain biotechnologies. In this article I brieDly examine four issues: I introduce, from theoretical contributions by contemporary philosopher ByungChul Han, the neuronal damage caused by biotechnological hyper-consumption; I demystify the idea that the legal system should not intervene in the moral and social systems; I show, based on three scientiDic studies, some of the cognitive pathologies due to unregulated use of speciDic biotechnologies; I propose that biolaw, as a legal neoform and a suitable legal framework for the normative regulation of biotechnologies, may organize and direct them towards cognitive health, as an unconditional basis for human development, through resigniDication of the principles of integrity and vulnerability coined by Jacob Dahl Rendtorff and Peter Kemp in their 2000 book entitled Basic Ethical Principles in European Bioethics and Bio-law.