The Purpose is to recover rhizome and barocco as cultural-ontological foundations of innovative process. Methodology is subjective analysis of conceptions ‘rhizome’ and ‘barocco’, thematization their presence in space of innovation carry out with using discoursing approaches’ of phenomenology, comparative, structuralism. Scientific Novelty. Rhizome has been opened as cultural-ontological foundation in its processes, problems, pre-predicative functions, totality, transcendence and principles of connection, diversity, cartography, re-traicng etc. It is showed that barocco with rhizome founds innovative process in some aspects: fold, binary, extension and texture. Conclusions. Rhizome as one of the foundations of innovation shows its non-line, statistic character that determines its creative potential and opens in two directions: from innovation to rhizome and on the contrary. In the first case when we have a deal with innovative characteristics as process, problems, pre-predicative, totality, transcendence. In the second case we have a deal with the principles which can carry out innovative activity: a) connection ; b) inhomogeneity ; c) multiplicity ; d) a-signed break ; e) cartography ; f) re-tracing. Barocco consist in specific of innovative activity on contemporary period and has some parameters: fold: innovative activity in conceptual and methodological aspects are carrying out as multiple folds, crossing of different sense fields: b) binary opposition ‘interior – exterior’: innovative activity is a point of crossing and break of spontaneous and determine processes; c) binary opposition ‘up – down’: innovative activity has non-line, topological character; d) extension: in innovative activity priority has process on ending; e) texture as sing of singular character of innovative process; f) paradigm underlines fundamental, whole, universal character of innovation.