Ixtli 3 (6):217-236 (
The difficulty involved in knowledge and its practicality is accentuated when to understand the world around us and to act better on it, is considered the relevance of the study of classical thinkers like Plato. Indeed, it seems better referring to philosophers who have analyzed more closely and clear our reality more objectively respond to own problems. Such a course is by no means negligible. However, why cater to the philosophy of Plato? In this respect we should say that we cannot start from the simple difference space-temporal between the Athenian and us, because this would imply understanding the philosophy only as a historical event and not a thinking underlying fundamental problems of man, which they still exist throughout history. Thus we can say that Plato presents his work throughout the scenario in which philosophy unfolds and that thought must apprehend and unravel. For this reason -it is proposed to analyze both to continue inquiring- think the Laches as a dialogue that is important from an educational perspective. So, we are showing the relevance comprising education, since this work is not given as a simple and hard instruction, but as a process that involves the responsibility of both who is in charge of teaching as one who is willing to understanding of essential aspects of your own life.