BioShock Infinite follows the journey of Booker DeWitt, a reluctant detective from New York City who is transplanted via rowboat and lighthouse‐turned‐rocket to the city of Columbia. Booker is charged with the task of bringing back a girl in order to wipe away his debt. The girl, Elizabeth Comstock, has been locked in a tower since infancy by her father, Zachary Comstock, and is protected by a menacing Songbird. Although the game centers on Booker and his story, this chapter focuses on Elizabeth, looking at her through a feminist lens. Freeing Elizabeth from her tower, one could argue, is in a way freeing her from oppression of men. If we take Elizabeth as her own person, rather than as a mere companion, does Elizabeth's freedom from tower mean real freedom for her? Does Booker treat Elizabeth any differently than Comstock does? And, what really is Elizabeth's role in Booker's drowning?.