The study examined the roles of women librarians in eradicating gender based violence in Rivers State, Nigeria. Four (4) objectives were formulated to guide this study. A descriptive survey design was adopted for the research. The population for the study comprised 70 women Librarians in Rivers State. Census sampling was adopted. The instrument for data collection was questionnaire. Mean and percentage were used for analyzing the elicited responses. Based on the findings, the various forms of gender based violence are; emotional violence, sexual violence, physical violence, socio-economic violence, amongst others. The study also identified the roles of women librarians in eradicating GBV to include; sensitization and awareness programme on the dangers of GBV and enlightenment on organizations and NGOs to contact when violated. Based on the findings the following recommendations were made: women librarians should sensitize the public through talk shows, workshops, seminars etc. on the dangers and aftermath of gender based violence. This would go a long way in curbing the menace of GBV, women librarians should partner with Organizations.