This article aims to show Foucault’s adaptation and creative development of Nietzsche's findings on the production of subjects through the interplay of, closely related, knowledge and power. What I am exclusively interested in is the problem of this production, or forming, of individuals. Because both authors have a lot of revealing things to say on it, I would like to analyse their concepts as complementary and, to some extent, mutually explanatory and... corrective. Showing the specific mechanisms of power in modern society allows Foucault to reveal certain aspects of today's subjectivity that would be difficult to see from the perspective adopted by Nietzsche. His research therefore significantly complements Nietzsche's account of our becoming what we are. But I also believe that the conclusions which Foucault draws from his creative interpretation of Nietzsche's revolutionary insights can be corrected, or significantly supplemented, by some ideas that can be found in Nietzsche's work itself.