The relationship between culture and economy in the writings of Porter and Huntington
Żaneta Oczkowska, The relationship between culture and economy in the writings of Porter and Huntington, Diametrso 27 This article aims to show the complex relationships between culture and business processes in the work of two authors, Michael E. Porter and Samuel P. Huntington. Both authors draw attention to the cultural background of economic processes, but each of them looks at the issue from a different perspective. Porter, as an economist, tries to explore how the values and attitudes specific to a given nation influence national competitiveness and creates a model of universal economic culture that promotes development-oriented values. Huntington, in turn, looks at business processes from the perspective of civilization. It is membership in a civilization - and hence in a cultural community - that determines whether economic cooperation will be undertaken. In view of the thesis of tightening civilizational circles, culture is attributed a rather negative role in economic processes.