This paper attempts to analyze the performance of 57 memberstates of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation based on selectedindicators of some sectors namely demography, economics, educationand technology and innovation. Specifically, it aims at firstly portraying anoverview of OIC performance based on six selected indicators followed byanalyzing the relationship between selected development variables withliteracy and exploring the state of OIC performance as indicated by theirachievement based on selected indicators. The study was undertaken vis-àvisthe prevailing theories on modernization and development as well as thewidely asserted underdevelopment of the contemporary Muslim ummah asclaimed by numerous contemporary Muslim scholars. The data were solicitedamong others from the World Bank Database, Statistical, Economic, and SocialResearch and Training, Centre of Islamic Countries of OIC andsome previous studies. They were then analyzed using SPSS with the resultsbeing generated mainly through the use of descriptive statistics. Among others,the study found that there is a positive correlation between Muslim countries’urban population growth and literacy rate, there is a steady decline in thenumber of OIC countries as they are categorized from lower to higher incomecategory placement and the percentage of the scientific publications of all 57OIC countries is far below that of any one single developed nation.