In Shieva Kleinschmidt,
Mereology and Location. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 91-116 (
This paper describes a plausible view of the nature of physical objects, their mereological connections to each other, and their relation to spacetime. As well as being parsimonious, the view provides a plausible context for denying all of the following:
(1) A theory that objects endure through time (and do not have temporal parts, as normally conceived) cannot claim that material objects are identical to space-time regions they occupy.
(2) At least one of the family of mereological connections (part-whole, overlap etc.) is to be taken as primitive.
(3) Claims entirely in the language of quantifiers and identity and mereology are not semantically vague.
It is thus an example showing that the there are more options for the metaphysics of objects, spacetime and mereology than many metaphysicians ordinarily assume.